MMKV SDK个人信息保护规则

MMKV SDK Personal Information Protection Rules



Update Date:2022-04-27


Effective Date:2022-04-27




[MMKV] (hereinafter referred to as the "SDK product") is developed by [Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.] (hereinafter referred to as "we"), and the registered address of which is [35 / F, Tencent Building, Kejizhong 1st Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Neighbourhood, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, China].


We hereby declare that:

1.  SDK产品功能的实现将不需要收集、获取、传输、分享或者使用终端用户的任何个人信息。

1. This SDK product does not require any collection, acquisition, transmission, sharing or use of any personal information of end-users.

2. 我们不会因为开发者适配、集成和装载本SDK产品而向其提供、传输或共享任何的个人信息。

2. We will not provide, transmit or share any personal information to any developers when they need to adapt, integrate, or load this SDK product.

3. 如果开发者因提供其产品或服务而需要处理终端用户的个人信息由开发者独自承担相应的法律责任。

3. If the developer needs to process personal information of the end-user due to the provision of its products or services, the developer shall be solely responsible for the corresponding legal consequences.

4. 请终端用户注意在开发者将本SDK产品适配、集成或装载到开发者产品或服务前我们已经要求相关开发者仔细阅读我们在官网公示的相关服务协议、本规则及开发者合规指南(或具有同样性质的相关法律文件), 并已经要求开发者依据开发者的产品收集使用个人信息的情况进行合规自查。

4. Please note that before the developer adapts, integrates, or loads this SDK product into the developer's product or service, we have asked the developers to carefully read the relevant service agreement, these Rules and the Developer's Compliance Guide (or relevant legal documents of the same function) published on our official website, and have asked the developers to conduct self-examination on the compliance of their products in collecting and using of personal information.

5. 如果我们更新、改进或修改了本SDK产品并因此导致我们需要处理终端用户的个人信息的我们将会依据适用法律的要求对本规则进行修订并将修订后的内容及时告知开发者和终端用户我们将要求开发者适时更新其隐私政策,并以弹框形式通知终端用户并且获得其同意。

5. If our updating, improving or modifying this SDK product  leads to processing personal information of the end-users, we will revise these Rules in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, and timely inform the developer and end-users of the revised content. We will require the developer to update its privacy policy in a timely manner, notify the end-users in the form of a pop-up box and obtain their consent.

6. 对于本规则的任何内容存在疑问的可以通过如下的方式与我们取得联系:

(1) 通过与我们联系进行在线咨询;

(2) 发送邮件至;

(3) 邮寄信件至:中国广东省深圳市南山区海天二路33号腾讯滨海大厦 数据隐私保护部()邮编:518054

6. If you have any questions about these Rules, you can contact us in the following ways:

(1) Contact us through for online consultation; 

(2) Email to;

(3) Mail the letter to: Data Privacy Protection Department of Tencent, Binhai Building, No. 33, Haitian Second Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China. The postcode: 518054.

7. 若中文版和英文版有任何不一致,请以中文版为准。

7. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.